Film capacitor Specification List

Surface mount type

Product Specifications 600 V.DC
630 V.DC
700 V.DC
800 V.DC
1100 V.DC
Product Drawings 600 V.DC Straight typee 2.0μF to 12.0μF
Cut lead type 2.0μF to 12.0μF
630 V.DC Straight typee 1.0μF to 4.7μF
Cut lead type 1.0μF to 4.7μF
700V.DC Straight type 1.0μF to 4.7μF
Cut lead type 1.0μF to 4.7μF
800V.DC Straight type 2.0μF to 8.0μF
Cut lead type 2.0μF to 8.0μF
1100V.DC Straight type 1.0μF to 5.0μF
Cut lead type 1.0μF to 5.0μF

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ECQUA(For Automotive)
Product Specifications 275 V.AC
Product Drawings 275 V.AC Straight type 0.10 μF to 4.7 μF
Cut lead type 0.10 μF to 10 μF

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Product Specifications 600 V.DC,700 V.DC, 800 V.DC,1000 V.DC, 1100 V.DC
Product Drawings *Please contact us.

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Product Specifications 500 V.DC, 800 V.DC, 1100 V.DC, 1300 V.DC
Product Drawings *Please contact us.

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Product Specifications 330 V.AC, 380 V.AC, 600V.AC
    *Please contact us for 250V.AC.
Product Drawings *Please contact us.

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Product Specifications 100 V.DC, 250 V.DC, 400 V.DC, 630 V.DC
1000 V.DC, 1250 V.DC
125 V.AC, 250 V.AC
Product Drawings 100 V.DC Straight type 0.56 μF to 10.0 μF
Forming type 0.56 μF to 10.0 μF
Cut lead type 0.56 μF to 10.0 μF
Taping type 0.56 μF to 3.3 μF
250 V.DC Straight type 0.010 μF to 10.0 μF
Forming type 0.010 μF to 10.0 μF
Cut lead type 0.010 μF to 10.0 μF
Taping type 0.010 μF to 1.5 μF
400 V.DC Straight type 0.010 μF to 2.2 μF
Forming type 0.010 μF to 2.2 μF
Cut lead type 0.010 μF to 2.2 μF
Taping type 0.010 μF to 0.47 μF
630 V.DC Straight type 0.010 μF to 2.2 μF
Forming type 0.010 μF to 2.2 μF
Cut lead type 0.010 μF to 2.2 μF
Taping type 0.010 μF to 0.22 μF
1000 V.DC Straight type 0.0010 μF to 0.22 μF
Forming type 0.0010 μF to 0.22 μF
Cut lead type 0.0010 μF to 0.22 μF
Taping type 0.0010 μF to 0.10 μF
1250 V.DC Straight type 0.0010 μF to 0.22 μF
Forming type 0.0010 μF to 0.22 μF
Cut lead type 0.0010 μF to 0.22 μF
Taping type 0.0010 μF to 0.022 μF
125 V.AC Straight type 0.010 μF to 0.47 μF
Forming type 0.010 μF to 0.47 μF
Cut lead type 0.010 μF to 0.47 μF
Taping type 0.010 μF to 0.15 μF
250 V.AC Straight type 0.010 μF to 0.47 μF
Forming type 0.010 μF to 0.47 μF
Cut lead type 0.010 μF to 0.47 μF
Taping type 0.010 μF to 0.033 μF

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Product Specifications 250 V.DC
125 V.AC
Product Drawings 250 V.DC Straight type 0.010 μF to 4.7 μF
Forming type 0.010 μF to 4.7 μF
Cut lead type 0.010 μF to 4.7 μF
Taping type 0.010 μF to 1.5 μF
125 V.AC Straight type 0.010 μF to 4.7 μF
Forming type 0.082 μF to 4.7 μF
Cut lead type 0.082 μF to 4.7 μF
Taping type 0.082 μF to 0.22 μF

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Product Specifications 250 V.DC, 400 V.DC, 630 V.DC
125 V.AC, 250 V.AC
Product Drawings 250 V.DC Straight type 0.010 μF to 10.0 μF
Forming type 0.010 μF to 10.0 μF
Cut lead type 0.010 μF to 10.0 μF
Taping type 0.010 μF to 1.5 μF
400 V.DC Straight type 0.010 μF to 2.2 μF
Forming type 0.010 μF to 2.2 μF
Cut lead type 0.010 μF to 2.2 μF
Taping type 0.010 μF to 0.47 μF
630 V.DC Straight type 0.010 μF to 2.2 μF
Forming type 0.010 μF to 2.2 μF
Cut lead type 0.010 μF to 2.2 μF
Taping type 0.010 μF to 0.22 μF
125 V.AC Straight type 0.010 μF to 0.47 μF
Forming type 0.010 μF to 0.47 μF
Cut lead type 0.010 μF to 0.47 μF
Taping type 0.010 μF to 0.47 μF
250 V.AC Straight type 0.010 μF to 0.47 μF
Forming type 0.010 μF to 0.47 μF
Cut lead type 0.010 μF to 0.47 μF
Taping type 0.010 μF to 0.22 μF

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Product Specifications 400 V.DC, 630 V.DC
Product Drawings 400 V.DC Straight type 0.022 μF to 2.4 μF
Forming type 0.022 μF to 2.4 μF
Cut lead type 0.022 μF to 2.4 μF
Taping type 0.022 μF to 1.0 μF
630 V.DC Straight type 0.010 μF to 1.3 μF
Forming type 0.010 μF to 1.3 μF
Cut lead type 0.010 μF to 1.3 μF
Taping type 0.010 μF to 0.43 μF

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Product Specifications 250 V.DC
450 V.DC
630 V.DC
Product Drawings 250 V.DC Straight type 1.0 μF to 6.8 μF
Forming type 0.10 μF to 6.8 μF
Cut lead type 1.0 μF to 6.8 μF
Taping type 0.10 μF to 3.9 μF
450 V.DC Straight type 0.56 μF to 4.7 μF
Forming type 0.1 μF to 4.7 μF
Cut lead type 0.56 μF to 4.7 μF
Taping type 0.10 μF to 2.2 μF
630 V.DC Straight type 0.10 μF to 2.2 μF
Forming type 0.10 μF to 2.2 μF
Cut lead type 0.10 μF to 2.2 μF
Taping type 0.10 μF to 0.68 μF

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Product Specifications 450 V.DC
630 V.DC
Product Drawings 450 V.DC Straight type 0.47 μF to 4.7 μF
Forming type 0.1 μF to 4.7 μF
Cut lead type 0.47 μF to 4.7 μF
Taping type 0.1 μF to 2.2 μF
630 V.DC Straight type 0.27μF to 4.7μF
Forming type 0.01μF to 4.7μF
Cut lead type 0.27μF to 4.7μF
Taping type 0.047μF to 1.0μF

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Product Specifications 450 V.DC
630 V.DC
Product Drawings 450 V.DC Straight type 0.1 μF to 4.7 μF
Cut lead type 0.1 μF to 4.7 μF
630 V.DC Straight type 0.1 μF to 2.2 μF
Cut lead type 0.1 μF to 2.2 μF

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Product Specifications 1000 V.DC, 1250 V.DC, 1600 V.DC, 2000 V.DC
Product Drawings 1000 V.DC Straight type 0.0010 μF to 0.10 μF
Forming type 0.0010 μF to 0.10 μF
Cut lead type 0.0010 μF to 0.10 μF
Taping type 0.0010 μF to 0.10 μF
1250 V.DC Straight type 0.0010 μF to 0.10 μF
Forming type 0.0010 μF to 0.10 μF
Cut lead type 0.0010 μF to 0.10 μF
Taping type 0.0010 μF to 0.051 μF
1600 V.DC Straight type 0.0010 μF to 0.056 μF
Forming type 0.0010 μF to 0.056 μF
Cut lead type 0.0010 μF to 0.056 μF
Taping type 0.0010 μF to 0.020μF
2000 V.DC Straight type 0.0010 μF to 0.015 μF
Forming type 0.0010 μF to 0.015 μF
Cut lead type 0.0010 μF to 0.015 μF
Taping type 0.0010 μF to 0.015 μF

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Product Specifications 800 V.DC
1600 V.DC
Product Drawings 800 V.DC Straight type 0.010 μF to 0.047 μF
Forming type 0.010 μF to 0.047 μF
Cut lead type 0.010 μF to 0.047 μF
Taping type 0.010 μF to 0.047 μF
1600 V.DC Straight type 0.0047 μF to 0.047 μF
Forming type 0.0010 μF to 0.047 μF
Cut lead type 0.0047 μF to 0.047 μF
Taping type 0.0010 μF to 0.047 μF

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Product Specifications 275 V.AC
Product Drawings 275 V.AC Straight type 0.0082 μF to 4.7 μF
Cut lead type 0.0082 μF to 10 μF

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Product Specifications 300 V.AC
Product Drawings 300 V.AC Straight type 0.001 μF to 1.0 μF
Forming type (4.0mm) 0.001 μF to 0.1 μF
Forming type (4.5mm) 0.001 μF to 0.1 μF
Cut lead type 0.001 μF to 1.0 μF

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Product Specifications 16 V.DC
Product Drawings 16 V.DC Taping type 0.1 μF to 1.0 μF

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Product Specifications 16 V.DC, 50 V.DC (0.039 μF or less)
50 V.DC (0.047 μF or more)
Product Drawings 16 V.DC Taping type 100 pF to 0.10 μF
50 V.DC Taping type 100 pF to 0.039 μF
Taping type 0.047 μF to 0.22 μF

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Product Specifications 100 V.DC
Product Drawings 100 V.DC Taping type 0.01 μF to 0.22 μF

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Product Specifications 100 V.DC
Product Drawings 100 V.DC Taping type 0.001 μF to 0.01 μF

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Product Specifications 100 V.DC
250 V.DC
630 V.DC
Product Drawings 100 V.DC Taping type 0.012 μF to 1.0 μF
250 V.DC Taping type 0.001 μF to 0.12 μF
630 V.DC Taping type 0.022 μF to 0.033 μF

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Product Specifications 250 V.DC (400 V.DC for 1 min.)
Product Drawings 250 V.DC Taping type 0.001 μF to 0.12 μF

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