Low CTE IC substrate materials | R-1515A

Narrow pitch corresponding circuit board materials MEGTRON GX R-1515A


  1. Achieve more functionality (multi-pin and integrated circuit) the large-sized PKG by excellent modulus and high heat resistance property

Circuit Board Materials

  • Part Number

Laminate R-1515A
Prepreg R-1410A

  • Application
IC substrate


Flexural modulus
25°C 27GPa
CTE x, y-axis
Tg (DMA)

Heat resistance

Heat resistance

Positioning accuracy

Positioning accuracy

General properties

Item Test method Condition Unit LEXCM GX
Glass transition temp.(Tg) DMA*2 A °C 205
Thermal decomposition temp.(Td) TGA A °C 390
CTE x-axis α1 Internal method A ppm/°C 11-13
CTE y-axis 11-13
Flexural modulus*1 JIS C 6481 25°C GPa 27
250°C 10

The sample thickness is 0.1mm.
*1 0.8mm
*2 Measurement in bending mode

Our Halogen-free materials are based on JPCA-ES-01-2003 standard and others.
Contain; Chlorine:≤0.09wt%(900ppm), Bromine:≤0.09wt%(900ppm),

The above data are typical values and not guaranteed values.

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