Solution & Innovation Center Indonesia

This showroom was established to contribute to further advancement of industrialization in Indonesia.
By taking advantage of Panasonic's comprehensive strengths, we offer concrete solutions to realize a Smart Factory.

A view of the future

We are introducing Panasonic's vision of a Smart Factory.We offer systems to manage factory-wide manufacturing operation and centrally control all factories in remote locations, which will contribute to a massive improvement in productivity and quality.

Concept area

A big-screen projector shows a dynamic view of a Smart Factory.


We offer solutions to problems at hand.Please bring whatever challenge you have from single products to lines to floors to the entire factory.We will offer proposals that can meet your needs.

Exhibition area

By setting up three zones, we offer total system solutions that combine optimal solutions and products in response to your needs.

Implementation zone
A rich lineup of systems and software programs, including PanaCIM that enables unified management of an entire implementation floor and a production scheduler for controlling the flow of manufacturing process information, are showcased.Further, primarily for the M2M autonomic line, we propose high-quality price-competitive manufacturing operation based on centralized control of all processes from the material warehouse to assembly line. (Demonstrations prepared by our company can be given.)

Welding zone
In response to the need to further improve quality and productivity of metal processing, we offer the latest welding machines, cutting machines, arc welding robots, and laser robotic systems. (Demonstrations prepared by our company can be given.)

Solution introduction zone
We offer a variety of items and systems used for management of factory-wide manufacturing operation.


We plan and offer a variety of events, such as new product announcements and seminars.For seminars, we invite instructors from Panasonic and also those from external companies and offer useful information to participants.A seminar can be utilized as a place to create networks with related companies as well as to share extensive information.

Machines on display

F A 1 2 3 4 5
Model Screen Printer
Solder-Paste Inspector Modular Placement Machine
Automatic Optical Inspector Odd-form Insertion Machine
Manufacturer Panasonic KohYoung Panasonic KohYoung Panasonic
Welding 1 2 3 4
Model Arc Welding Robot
Arc Welding Robot
TIG Welding Machine
CO2/MAG Welding Machine
Manufacturer Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic

Address & Contact

Jl. Raya Bogor Km 29, Gandaria.Pekayon. Jakarta 13710.
Matsushita Gobel Foundation ( YMG )Kompleks,PT. Panasonic Manufacturing Indonesia
PT Panasonic Gobel Indonesia(PGI)
Jl. Dewi Sartika No.14(Cawang ll) , Jakarta 13630 Indonesia
Shinichi Okamura Tel HP:+62 811 8606453
Panasonic Factory Solutions Asia Pacific(APMEA)
Mirza D. Gazali Tel SIN: +65 9661 3856 / Tel Indonesia HP: +62 821 1001 0043)