“IoT solutions” for realizing smart factories
Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften (German National Academy of Science and Engineering) proposed “Indstrie4.0” in 2011. Since then, industrial sectors around the world have been striving to realize “smart factories” and “cyber physical system (CPS)” through IoT-based digitalization and visualization of the manufacturing industry, taking various measures to achieve high productivity and production diversity. These efforts have resulted in sensor solutions for spider-webbing factories, including sensor networks, network/server environments that enable high-speed, low-latency, and large-capacity data transmission, and AI-powered mechanisms that predict and prevent various problems. Smart factories with these features automatically properly respond to any problems that occur, thus reducing accidental operational stoppages to zero. Realizing such smart factories is now more important than ever. Panasonic possesses technology seeds that contribute to the stages of data acquisition, aggregation, and utilization.

Panasonic Industry’s IoT manufacturing solutions
From its comprehensive solutions ranging from on-site to upper-layer solutions, Panasonic Industry selects and provides the optimal solution for effective factory equipment operations and problem prediction through data acquisition.

Factory equipment operation
■Solutions for High-precision/high-speed motion control

■Sensing (object/shape detection) solutions

■Devices/equipment solutions

■Solutions for visualizing field work (remote monitoring)

■Solutions for coordinative and safe work with robots

■Communication solutions

■Solutions for robot for logistic work/AMR