PanaCIM Enterprise Edition
This is mounting floor management system software which supports visualization, efficiency, quality assurance of operation and production during mounting process as well as provides MES function for better OEE.
External interface
Data (material verification data, trace data and operating performance data) collected from the machine during production) is output to an external application.
Automatic changeover Improvement
It prevents wrong program selection by automatically downloading the production program based on PCB ID. Because the lane width is also automatically adjusted, it can reduce changeover loss time.
History information of produced PCB is controlled based on a combination of information such as PCB information read by barcode reader, production performance of the machine and material/component information. It supports quality control or market-handling.
It supports to prevent materials/components from being placed in a wrong position during production setup, changeover, splicing, exhaust.
Material control
It supports to control inventory and component location and reserve the components in the Production/preparation area.
The humidity control function can control the expiration date for MSD.
PanaCIM connects each working area to visualize entire factory.
Unified management of entire mounting floor enables to improve quality, reduce cost and maximize floor productivity.
It supports to improve productivity of the placement line by collecting machine operating information, analyzing the information and displaying statistics in real-time.
Production monitor
Production and operating information is acquired in real-time and the line status is displayed on the monitor or PDA. It instructs the handling method to an operator in the case of error or replenishment of components. So it can improve productivity to reduce line stop time and prepare shortage components in advance.
Feeder setup navigator
It is a support tool to navigate efficient setup procedure. It estimates the time required
for production and provides the operator with setup instructions by considering the amount of
time taken for performing and completing setup operations. This will visualize and streamline setup operations during setup of a production line.

Configuration of responsive manufacturing by the connection between “management" and “production floor"
PanaCIM-EE that connects each area of machine/mounting line/mounting floor enables interactive communication of your system such as ERP or MRP.
It is web-based solutions that visualize factories around the world and connect between “management" and “production floor"
to allow quick decision making and the followed manufacturing. That is achievement of “responsive manufacturing".